Love for life, does it exist?

Do you know those love stories for life? And we do not mean a fairy tale. When a young girl, a virgin, meets a young man who is not yet of age, they fall in love, and then live happily together all the time, do you know those stories, do you think this is stupid and impossible? Not about 3% of couples who meet at a very young age will last together for the rest of their lives.
Láska, láska na celý život, ruce.
Do you know such a person? If so, look at them and realize that this is really unusual and not everyone is so lucky. For example, if they are already over 50 years old, their relationship is very likely to really continue and we can only congratulate them. Be successful.
Nothing is free. This 3% of couples are encouraged to marry and have children with a young person
to maintain their relationship, to overcome all obstacles together, to cope with the role of parenting, migration and other life and aging difficulties? Perhaps not. Because most young couples who get married or have children together break up anyway. This, in turn, is the majority of about 65% of young couples who do not survive together.
We advise these young couples not to rush, meet, have fun with weddings and children and start living together, but only after a few years can you gain the confidence that you will continue to be together. And even then, you have not won.
Srdce, láska, láska na celý život.
We should certainly not inadvertently plunge into the role of marriage or parenting, just to fall in love. It is natural for them to say that falling in love is a whim. Try your partner\’s life and see if it really will be for life. We really wish you well.
What about the couple who got it? A man and a woman who had only one partner in their lives, and the relationship has lasted a lifetime. Most of them were childhood friends who were always very close to each other or were soul mates who were supposed to meet. When we meet half of them, we know it\’s her.
Each of us wants to experience a romantic love that means everything to us.