PC Features

Do not say that you have not seen the comedy “Sun, Hay, Erotica”. I\’m sure you will, and I\’m sure you remember why Scopcus bought the computer. Yes, to write a rabbit on it. The pastor had it again for remarks about his sheep, that is, parishioners. Therefore, it turns out that this machine can provide absolutely everything. But we will look at it somewhat differently. The computer became a laptop. 

Such computers are mainlyused to write text,whether as private letters, short stories, or novels. So the keyboard belongs to the PC. It will last without her, but will be somewhat terrible. It takes about 1 week to write 1 page of text.  


But when the capabilities of these machines began to expand, they began to serve other purposes. At firstit was very similar to a simple game, for example, table tennis. There is a ball on the monitor, it had to bounce, and so on and on. Then the so-called platformers appeared, and eventually the 3D game appeared. You are today at such a level that you do not know here you are watching characters created in order by actors or computers.  

Well, if it\’s a game, why not a movie? And it can also be seen, and the first difficulties in the video format have long gone. Because the movie contains sound, a sound card has been added to the computer, allowing it to be used as a music playerand also as a voice player. We can play the book and relax. Or, like watching some movie, fall asleep with it. 


Anyone who buys a new laptop already knows roughly what it serves as a priority. For example, if you just write a text, you can easily buy an old machine, because it does not have to be demanding. Such graphics can handle boxes for 200. If you want to watch movies and play more easily, I mean the game, graphically, you should buy a better computer. Today, everyone can do it, and in order not to make it, you need to stumble on an extra old ham somewhere in the bazaar.